Light – Jam Report #11

At 5pm you can see it is still light out and that has always been a liberating experience for me, that first day of the 9-5 drudgery where you walk out and there is a sliver of light still in the sky at 5:01 and the world just somehow seems like a better place, that there is something to look forward to, that life will go on, and it’s all so damn good.

So that is sort of what The Jam feels like these days – an uncanny little happening full of warmth and possibilities and a little light that can be seen, maybe as just a dot right now, at the end of the usually long and cold winter tunnel.

Jerome LeBlanc, Paul Stewart and Francois Pitre warming da joint up!


Not really a complain, bitch, bitch, type of winter here, so far, but on a given day…glad there is this place to go to once a week and forget about it all.

Jerome LeBlanc and Wally Dae


Jerome would dominate this night providing uncanny rhythms for whatever type of song came up, so good to have these dedicated types like Jerome on board!

Working well together, Jerome Leblanc and Wally Dae.

Clipboard 11

Spontaneity rules at The Jam.

And then The Girardins showed up!


Nice to see their energy again, accordions rule!!

Because I like this shot.


Music is relatively simple, it’s almost surprising to think most humans don’t consider themselves to be musicians.

Percussionist Ray Garneau taking a break.


Ray is one of those indispensable die hards, he shows up every week, plays his heart out, and you would hardly know he was there.

It’s really her Jam, but most of the time she doesn’t seem to care.


Cafe Kali is an alcohol free family environment and it plays a huge role in the success of The Jam so far.

And a mandatory “Gens du Pays” for birthday girl, Monelle Blouin!


People are kind, and they give so much at The Jam.

Closing it out with The Girardins!


Marilou Joly, Craig Girardin, Marei Andree Joly

Jerome LeBlance and Ray Garneau pounding it out.


As usual, some high energy work by the Girardins.

Girardin 6

And that was it for another cool Jam!!

I have a potential job offer that may keep me away from the Jam in the next couple of weeks but that does not mean that there will not be any music at

The Jam

Every Friday Night From 6 – 9 PM!

Cafe Kali

5200 Verdun Avenue (corner Desmarchais – Metro Verdun)

Produced by Empreintes d’artistes.

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